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elec.tronica digital music from round the world
welcome to the elec.tronica archive. Here you'll find all the the features from all the weeks from the webs best lifestyle mag live on ministry.vip.Browse through the listings below then access directly through your browser. The most recent content is near the top, we have also marked items for recommended viewing.
features massive attack created 19.01.99 filesize massive media flash.htm.gif.jpg.realvideo Feature item on 190199 With their latest album, 'Mezzanine' exposing them to a wider global audience than ever before, Massive Attack really can claim to have produced the toking sound-track for a generation of caners.
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features fatboy slim created 04.01.99 filesize phat media flash.htm.gif.jpg.realvideo Feature item on 050199 Fatboy slim - Can there be a more versatile pop chameleon than Norman Cook? Lara Palamoudian books an appointment with the fat one to find out.
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features Sasha created 17.12.98 filesize 18kb media html.gif.jpg.realvideo Feature item on 221298 Sasha - he had devoted fans, right? He had the dance industry in the palm of his hand, right? He had the world sewn up, right? Wrong. It disappeared in a big bubble called Fame And All Its Scary Headfucks. Ministry got on the case to find out exactly what went wrong.
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features interview.bentley.rythm.ace
created 16.12.98
filesize total 27k
media html.js.gif.jpg.realvideo
Feature item on 151298
Ever wondered what those tripped out brummies, Bentley Rhythm Ace are on? Well, come on down and find out for yourself. But be warned they're nutters !!!!!! In Club Profile mega-club The End gets dragged under the spotlight and, man, did we slate it. àà..Label of the week are the awesome Ninja Tunes goons. As for albums, we've got Plastikman, FSUK*3 and Jonny L. Top toons!
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